Mind, Body, and Spirit


Welcome to our eco-friendly apparel store. We provide modern organic clothes as well as health and wellness products leading you to have more peaceful lifestyle.

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our story

Create a Great Day with Peace & Health

We are Temple Work Ministry and Coaching. Our mission is centered around holistic approaches to assist our clients with achieving supreme mental health, unlimited peace and access to infinite power all from within.

Our Healacation retreats are designed to allow clients the opportunity to disconnect from there daily routines by participating in our proven recharging techniques which is include but not limited to the following: Rest Rest Rest, Relaxing Relaxing Relaxing, Dancing Dancing Dancing and Discovery Discovery Discovery. Healing is an Inside Job that has nothing to do with another individual when you the Divine Power resting inside each of us.

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Brother Nance Inspires

If you are seeking motivation, inspiration, determination and looking to align with your purpose Brother Nance Inspires is the right place.

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Winter Sale

50% OFF!

Explore our essential plain sweatshirts and hoodies in a limited offer! Get our special deal and save up to 50% in the winter collection. Get your best deal today.

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Uplift yourself and inspire others in an eco-friendly manner. Our collection will heal you and give a big smile to your soul.


Quality Begins on the Inside

Nam imperdiet arcu velit, ut maximus mauris finibus ac. Proin non fringilla sapien. Pellentesque euismod a ligula vitae bibendum. Nulla facilisi. Praesent sed tortor Donec mollis ultrices dui, eu blandit dolor dapibus nec.

Breathable Lightweight Upper

Vivamus tempor tellus ut enim feugiat suscipit. Phasellus elementum lectus est, non auctor lectus.

Ultra Durable Rubber Sole

Donec augue ipsum, condimentum vel turpis et, mollis tempus purus. Vestibulum cursus efficitur mauris convallis ac.

Designed Padded Insole

Donec augue ipsum, condimentum vel turpis et, mollis tempus purus. Vestibulum cursus efficitur mauris convallis ac.


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